For Adults and Children: How Animation studios create Russian software

Details about the studio's work, the development of proprietary software and the current state of the animation industry are highlighted in a new article on the National Projects of Russia portal.
The complex geopolitical environment and sanctions pressure have sparked rumors suggesting that domestic animation is on the brink of collapse. Indeed, some foreign companies chose not to renew licenses for specialized software, creating temporary challenges for Russian animation studios. However, leading market players decided that they have resources for developing their own software. Russian animation studios now have access to grants from the Russian Information Technology Development Fund (RITDF) to fund these developments. It is remarkable that accelerating the implementation of digital technologies in economic and social sectors remains a priority of the national project Digital Economy of the Russian Federation.
This article explores the creation of a 3D animation platform in Voronezh and previews upcoming films audiences can look forward to.
Grand premieres and new IT solutions
Voronezh Animation Studio (formerly Wizart Animation) has produced eight feature-length animated films and two animated television series. The studio’s franchises ‘The Snow Queen’ and ‘Sheep and Wolves’, have been broadcast worldwide. ‘Secret Magic Control Agency’ became the first Russian animated film to be released on Netflix's streaming platform in the spring of 2021. Moreover, it topped the rankings of the most-viewed films in the first weekend after its premiere. The family fairy tale ‘The Snow Queen and the Princess’ premiered in Russian cinemas on February 16, earning both audience acclaim and positive reviews from critics.
Vladimir Nikolaev, General Producer of the studio, shared updates in an interview with the nationalprojects.rf portal: ‘Currently, we are developing the film ‘Ruslan and Lyudmila’, scheduled for wide distribution in Russia in 2023. In addition, we are working on the animated series ‘The Steel Family’, produced with the support of the Institute for Internet Development (IID). The series will consist of 11 episodes, each 22 minutes long. It tells a story about a fifteen-year-old boy from Moscow, who discovers the source of incredible energy. We plan to release the series later this year’.
Furthermore, the studio’s creative team, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, is creating a new domestic animated series, ‘BuddyBots’, about firefighter robots. It is worth noting that this is a completely unique project, with a universe distinct from the fairy-tale franchises previously released.
According to the portal's interviewee, sanctions and the complex geopolitical situation have inspired the studio's employees to search for new international partners and reorient work processes overall.
‘Back in March 2022, we met with colleagues to discuss the development of our own software, as well as the promotion and licensing of our products in international markets. Of course, priorities have shifted, and we are now trying to collaborate with China and Turkey. The potential of these countries is quite significant, and our ideas are warmly received by partners who are ready to embrace our quality content,’ emphasized Nikolaev.
He added that industry experts began considering the need for domestic software around 2015 when Adobe restricted Brazil's access to Photoshop. At that time, representatives of major Russian animation studios first realized the risks associated with dependence on imported software.
‘Our specialists are constantly working on developing our own software and adapting code in various ways to ensure maximum efficiency in interdepartmental collaboration. Naturally, colleagues from other studios are also engaged in similar developments, but their solutions are tailored to specific manufacturers. The main goal is to create software that allows all industry representatives to work on a product from start to finish," the interviewee told the portal.

Not just a picture, but also the meaning
Today, Voronezh Animation Studio has made significant progress in solving this problem, partly through government grants. In 2021, the company’s experts applied for funding from the Ministry of Digital Development, the Russian Foundation for Information Technology Development (RFITD), and VEB.RF. The first application did not pass the competition, but the employees corrected errors in the documentation, and in early 2022, they successfully secured the desired subsidy.
‘By the end of this year, we will fully report on the grant. The developed software allows for the creation of 3D scenes, dynamics, and fabrics. The next planned module will help create high-quality animation and character skeletons. I think within two to three years, we, together with our colleagues, will complete our own software," said Vladimir Nikolaev.
The government actively supports complex import-substituting projects in the modern animation industry. According to our interviewee, we cannot allow a situation where Russian ‘pictures’ will significantly lag behind foreign ones.
‘The viewer watches the trailer and then decides whether it's worth going to the cinema or just watching it on online platforms. If a person realizes that the special effects, character clothes are of low quality, they will refuse to watch it altogether,’ the expert believes.
At the same time, the problems related to the lack of unique software affect not only Russian animation studios. Specialists from Latin America, China, and South Korea face similar challenges. If our experts create a good product, companies from other countries will buy and use it. Moreover, the creative work generated by the animation studio's creative teams can become in demand with foreign partners.
‘Colleagues from China and the Middle East highly value our screenwriters, artists, and directors. It is estimated that around 5,000 people are employed in the Russian animation industry, while in China, there are about 150,000. Despite this, they regularly ask our employees to come up with a story for a film, handle pre-production, and create sketches," explained the portal’s interviewee.
Speaking about the ideological and educational role of animation, Nikolaev pointed out that when making a new film, creators always try to convey high moral values through the characters. For example, in the first part of The Snow Queen, the creators explained to the younger generation that family is the most important thing in life. In the second part, the focus was on the role of lies and truth in human relationships, and in the third part, the emphasis shifted to the search for one’s true path and destiny.
‘Of course, our films should not be boring or dull. We try to teach in a non-intrusive way and impart the right message in our films. In my opinion, good cinema is appreciated worldwide. For example, we often receive words of gratitude from viewers in Brazil, the USA, and Australia. The moral and ethical foundation is important not only for the Russian audience,’ summed up Vladimir Nikolaev.
The link on the material: https://национальныепроекты.рф/news/dlya-vzroslykh-i-detey-kak-studii-animatsii-sozdayut-dlya-sebya-rossiyskoe-po